por Susana | Jul 15, 2021 | Activities in the nature, Eco Farm
RESPONSIBLE TRAVELER PLAN YOUR TRIP Investigate, when you are planning your trip, the characteristics of the destination which you want to visit and take the necessary measures to keep up to date all the documentation, travel insurance or medical checks that you may need. Also, follow at all times the recommendations of local authorities, especially in case of emergencies. Check the origin of the products you consume to avoid any risk, particularly infectious or derived from allergic reactions or intolerances. CONSUME LOCAL PRODUCTS Support local entrepreneurship through the consumption of products or services produced in the destination and whose direct and indirect benefits are distributed transversally and favor the most vulnerable groups. Likewise, when you purchase a good or service, buy only what you truly need and do it at a fair price; keep in mind that what for you may be small quantities, can destabilize local economies or make a difference in having a more dignified life. LEARN ABOUT YOUR HOST COMMUNITY Learn, whenever possible, about the cultural aspects of the destination your visit (customs, gastronomy, languages or dialects, traditions, heritage…). Be sure to know their social norms to avoid behaviors that may be offensive or humilia- ting for your host community. Also, be an exam- ple of tolerance by creating opportunities for mutual learning with locals and other travelers, avoiding conflicts or unwanted situations. PROTECT THE ECOSYSTEMS Enjoy only products, services and experiences that guarantee the sustainable exploitation of the aquatic and terrestrial resources of the destination and that respect the natural habitat of native or foreign fauna and flora, avoiding animal abuse or the destruction of...
por Susana | May 15, 2021 | Environmental Friendly, Environmental Friendly, Event Tips, Event Tips, MICE, MICE, Sin categoría, Sin categoría, Sin categoría, Sustainability, Sustainability
We are pleased to inform you that Neokoncepts has been recognized with the Biosphere Committed distinction. This distinction recognizes that Neokoncepts Team have started the path of sustainability with the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle platform and that we have acquired the commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Please join us to change to a better and more sustainable...
por Susana | Feb 26, 2019 | Activity, Spain for Event
CSR Children Shelter restoration Is there anything more satisfiying that helping those children in need? This is an activity where every company and individual will life an unforgetable experience in a personal and profesional way, with a very clear goal, helping those children in need. And we assure that all participants will give the 200% in this emotional activity! After this CSR activity your team will no longer be the same. Trying to provide the childrens of Children shelters a beautiful place where to pass their childhood we develop activities of renovation, redecoration and construction of educational toys in different institutions in Spain. An event where everyone wins. First of all the children, then the employees as the emotional recompense has no price as well as the company that reaches a major vinculation and sense of belonging by their employees. DYNAMICS The event starts with a briefing that includes the presentation of the institution and the general tasks that will be done. Participants will be split in different group, and will be introduced to their tasks by our staff. The number of participants at each group will depend on the work that has to be done. The most important aim is to improve the instatalations which has a direct impact on its inhabitants: children from 6-17 years that for different reasons can not live with their biological families. On the other hand side an emotional vinculation will be created between company, employees and institution that will last for our whole life. The shelter home is divided in different floors. 12 Bedrooms Shelter house. THIS IS A SAMPLE PROGRAM AND...